For customers looking to close off their driveway openings to keep deer off the property, in conjunction with appropriate fencing, AutoGate Systems is offering an automatic gate solution priced lower than our custom wood-clad, custom aluminum and ornamental iron gates.
Some question whether a 6ft high gate will keep deer out. My answer is YES!
In many installations where deer are a persistent problem and the code limits are 6ft, we have never had a customer tell us deer were coming over the gates. There will be the occasional animal who is so charged up that it will try to leap anything, but it is rare.

Why choose Deer Control Gates?
Animals remain local to your property and do not venture far from home territory. Deer will walk along fence lines and browse foliage, pushing along fences looking for weak spots.
The bottom of deer fencing is the most important part and must be secured tight.
Deer will attempt a jump when they can easily reach their head over the top of the fence or gate. A gate 4ft high will keep out many deer, but mature animals can jump over. We have had excellent results with gates starting at 5' 6" high.